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SNT Infotech

about Sandmartin Exports

SandMartin Exports Private Limited is counted amongst the most significant names in the market of Guwahati. The company is indulged in exporting and supplying the finest quality fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, basmati rice, Indian spices, Indian tea, flour, and raw cotton. We provide several fresh fruits such as fresh apple, fresh peach, fresh pears, fresh pineapple, fresh plum, fresh pomegranate, and many more. We also make available different fresh vegetables such as fresh bitter gourd, fresh green chilli, fresh onion, fresh peas, fresh pointed gourd, fresh potato, etc. Our fresh fruits and fresh vegetables are enriched with different vital nutrients such as proteins, vitamins, minerals, and more. We also make available many types of basmati rice like 1121 golden sella basmati rice, sugandha basmati rice, sona masoori basmati rice, short grain basmati rice, etc. We are instrumental in packing these products in high-grade packaging materials.

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