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SNT Infotech

about Jai Malhar Organics

We are open to cater to the Indian domestic market as well as optimistic to export our above produces. We are also capable of drawing our own organically grown and later solar dried Broccoli, Moringa, onion, garlic, Spinich in powder form. The organically grown vegitables used for this purpose are hand picked directly from our farms. They are later cleaned and dried in solar drier at our farm. The standardized process confirms quality product in its natural colour, a rich aroma & tart flavor. These products contain no added colors, chemicals, preservatives and are rich in natural vitamins, phytonutrients, antioxidants and amino acids etc.. due to the strict organic farming practices as well as hygienic and controlled processes adopted by us . The products that we offer are unmatched in terms of quality & rates. They are available in different packaging sizes to cater to the diverse requirements of the buyers. You can place your desired orders and rest assured for quality & timely delivery.

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